Your voice matters
These words and messages were expressed by people with lived experience (peers leaders) from Manitoba and Kenya. They shared their stories and their achievements and challenges as community leaders:

Sharing our personal journey
Podcast series
Welcome to this peer storytelling journey!
This initiative is co-developed for peers by peers and Alltogether4ideas research team.
People with lived/living experience(s) share their stories to support others who may be going through similar experiences.
If you would like to contribute to this storytelling initiative, please reach out to us at alltogether@umanitoba.ca

Podcast series: Reconciliation
Led by Heather Pashe, Indigenous Cultural Advisor with the All Together 4 Ideas team, this podcast series will offer tools, teachings, and stories to help people develop a deeper understanding about Truth and Reconciliation and what that looks like in Canada. Heather will explore issues such as Cultural Safety in Research, Residential Schools and intergenerational trauma, and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
This podcast will also highlight the work that is being done through our community-based HIV and sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBI's) research project and how this work aims to advance decolonization and reconciliation.